Hey, did you hear? French children don’t throw food! But you know who does? Anne Hathaway . Okay, I made that up – Ms. Hathaway may or may not throw food. But she is set to star French Children Don’t Throw Food , adapted from the book of the same name. The story follows a journalist who moves to Paris for her husband’s job, and then has to try to balance her family and career. And at some point, the journalist will probably ask, “Hey, do French children throw food?” And then someone will say “ Non! ” in a thick French accent. At least, that’s what would happen if I were making this movie. I don’t know much about French children, but according to Pamela Druckerman’s book French Children Don’t Throw Food , they’re better in nearly every way than our stinky, rotten American kids. Honestly, I can believe that – have you seen American kids? Awful. Anyway, Druckerman’s book is now going to be turned into a movie starring Anne Hathaway. Based on Druckerman’s ow...